Channel Partner
Sales Inquiry
Abhishek Form
Representative Name
Office Address
Zip Code
Contact Details
Mobile No
E-mail ID
(In case of Individual)
I hereby confirm that I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions as well as NonDisclosure & Brand guidelines and agree to strictly abide by them.
1. The Marketing Agent must be registered with the Chavda developers to interact with the Company and to get deals.
Registration Procedure: - (1) Make an Application (2) Submit PAN Card.
2. A copy of the Pan card of the Brokerage Company /person must be submitted to the head office during registration.
3. Commission shall be paid as per the policies designed by Chavda developers.
4. A brokerage of 1% including appropriate taxes will be given for the services rendered for Abhishek Apartment, further after 3 units in three months 2% standard commission will be provided for the same scheme.
5. Fifty percent of the brokerage will be given after the agreement is executed. Rest as per construction module.
6. Commission will be paid within 30 to 45 days after submitting the bills.
7. Channel Partners should register their leads via Chavda Booking application or through Email ( or inform the site -representative to add on your behalf & you will get a confirmation email from our side.
8. Channel partners will have to be present with the client for site visits, HO visits and final negotiation of the deal.(if in case channel partner is unable to come it has to informed over the Email so that there will be no discrepancy at the time of finalization of deal)
9. Channel partners are requested to contact us for the availability of any project and rates before offering or committing to your customer.
10. Channel partners will have to take the follow up with the clients and update the same in the organization.
11. Channel partners will have the lead ownership of 30 days, if no follow up/activity found, the lead will get closed.
12. In case, more than one channel partner claims the same sale of a unit, then the customer’s declaration only will be considered or the brokerage will be divided equally to both the channel partners.
13. For introducing another broker to work with organization you will be entitled to get bonus. (Subject to getting the business from the same associate).
14. If a client comes directly & the channel partner brings proof of communication & source efforts prior to walk-ins then attachment would be required for the eligibility.
15. Before informing the customer about the project, please find out the complete details from us at our sales number 7016493580 or email us at It is imperative that correct information must be given to customers
16. In case of conflict, Chavda developers will go through the verification process of lead source with the efforts & the final decision would be taken by the management.
17. The Channel partner is equally responsible for all the timely payments of the client.
18. In case of a cancelled booking, the channel partner's commission will be deducted from the final refund to the customer.
19. Commissions would be paid after deduction of relevant taxes.
20. Registration will be at the sole discretion of Chavda developers.
21. The Channel Partner confirms that he/she/they have no authority to accept any payment or issue any receipt on behalf of the Company. The Company shall not be responsible for any payment(s) till such that time at receipt for the said payment is issued by the Company
22. All payment follow ups for the customer has to be executed by the agent
23. The Channel Partner confirms that he/she/they are not authorized to issue any statement or make any written communication in relation to the Company and/or its Project. All bookings shall solely be governed by the terms of the Application Form and/or Agreement signed between the Company and the Customer.
24. Any promotional activity (print, hoardings, e-mails etc.) should be approved from the Directors of the Company.
25. The Company is authorized to make any changes to the Terms & Conditions of this application as it may deem fit and the Channel Partner confirms that all such changes shall be binding on him/her/it.
26. Channel partner is dose not host listing on Google or any other social media platform clamming to be the official owning a project belongs to Chavda Developers.
27. Any discrepancy will be managed by Chavda management & disputes shall be subject to Ahmedabad jurisdiction.
Thank you so much for filling up the form.
Our Representative will be in touch with you shortly.